In recent days, I've seen at least six turtles making their way from the lake to my yard to lay their eggs. I think they were some variety of cooter turtle which inhabits rivers and ponds in the southeast. These turtles mate in May or June. The turtle digs the nest with her hind feet, lays 10 to 25 eggs in one or more clutches, covers the eggs, and heads back to the lake. Nests are located in the open so the newly hatched turtles will have an unobstructed path the lake. They hatch after around 80-150 days, depending on the soil temperature, with most emerging in August and September.
Turtle eggs are a delicacy for lots of creatures including raccoons, crows, and other birds. Every year I find a nest that's been dug up and egg shells scattered around. I hope this year all the eggs stay safe and I'll see baby turtles making their way to the lake.