Here’s something you don’t see every day! This Cooper’s hawk swooped down on the birdbath and proceeded to act like a normal bird enjoying a drink and a bath. Only this bird is a fearsome predator who took up almost the whole birdbath! Here’s a video of him splashing around.
The Cooper’s Hawk specializes in eating medium sized birds!! They’re often seen at feeders trying to nab a plump mourning dove, jay, robin, or starling. They also eat mammals such as chipmunks, squirrels, mice, and bats. Cooper’s hawks kill their prey by grabbing it in their feet and squeezing it to death. They’ve also been known to drown prey as well by holding the hapless creature under water until it stops moving.
I see hawks hunting in the backyard almost every day, but this is the first time I've seen one in the birdbath. Even though he was acting like a normal bird, nothing moved in the yard the whole time he was there. Those birds and chipmunks weren't fooled one bit!